January 13, 2008


International Meeting Street (where all the "fun" begins!)
Mini Me! A smaller version of me at the beach!
The walk of death towards the heavenly beaches on the island!
Pattaya City's infamous Beach Road!
My t-shirt models and I (Ratanna and Noi)

Song for the Day : Incubus "Dig"

I got home safely back to Canada about 3 weeks ago. No drama with airport sercurity this time! It goes to show, that when you least expect something, it happens! I think perhaps that is one of the themes of my whole experience. Since I got back I've been trying to get myself back in the Toronto mode. Back to the hustle and bustle of things, and more importantly trying to deal with the cold. I came to a conclusion, that I am not made for Canadian weather!
For the first few days after my arrival it was quite overwhelming seeing friends and family and celebrating the holidays. I was so happy to see everyone again, but at the same time I felt sad and kind of depressed to be back to reality. Or at least, back to my Canada reality. To see a whole new world, and live in it for a couple of months really made an impact on me. I feel like I look at things in a totally different way and I feel like I can't think or act the way I used to. Yes, I think I am losing my gangstarism ways. It didn't work in Thailand so I just dropped it cold turkey. I guess before I left for Thailand, I passed the gangstarism jibberish to some unlikely characters and it is kind of scary. I apologize for that! Anyways, with that all said and done there is a lot of UNPACKING that I need to do regarding the final few days before my PACKING ... out of Thailand.
During our volunteer stint we saw so much sadness, so much corruption, so much dirt the City of Pattaya had to offer, and we found ourselves drinking a lot to numb the pain and make things "feel" better. That or go to our happy places and just eat our hearts away to fill the void we felt and get major rub downs from our ladies at the Siam Massage. We were so caught up with the negatives that we didn't see or appreciate the positives. So when I made the decision to leave and pack it up, Reena and I decided it was time to REALLY GO ALL OUT, ENJOY OURSELVES TO THE MAX, REALLY PUSH OURSELVES to see THE SEEDIEST of places despite the constant warnings from the Big J.
I'd continue writing more, but it seems that some people (you know who you are :P) can't handle too much litterature...sorry to keep the others in suspense and to leave your knickers in a wad!

1 comment:

Hélène said...

Geez, G. Hope u not gonna leave us hangin' 2 long. ya know i cant stand da suspense!
